Following the success of the 2004-2008 Injury Prevention Strategic Plan, the State of Florida has implemented the 2009-2013 Injury Prevention Strategic Plan to continue the positive results. The original plan was the first time a state was able to have a five-year strategic plan completely implemented and spur a successor plan.
The current injury prevention strategic plan focuses on these five goals of injury prevention:
- Better infrastructure through leadership, funding, data, policy and evaluation;
- Collaboration between efforts in promoting traffic safety; increasing poisoning response; and reducing interpersonal violence, suicide and child mistreatment;
- Increasing awareness of early childhood water safety and drowning prevention;
- Focusing on senior citizen concerns such as fall prevention; and
- Improved training for all levels of injury prevention and response personnel.
While the first strategic plan brought about many positive results,Florida still has a long way to go to help better protect its residents. Injuries are predictable, preventable occurrences that are the leading cause of death among Florida residents aged 1 to 44.
The 2009-2013 Injury Prevention Strategic Plan does not replace any targeted initiatives for injury prevention and safety promotion already in effect. Rather, the plan will be enhancing the efforts already in place and strengthening them to help bring about greater reductions in the number of annual injury cases seen in our Florida hospitals.
Funding for the plan so far has come from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the form of a public health injury surveillance and prevention program grant. This funding was utilized in the first half of the plan through July 31, 2010, and additional funding has been sought to help implement specific programs for injury prevention at the state and local levels.
The overall mission of the plan is “to reduce Florida’s injury burden through leadership,education and policy.” The vision is to see Florida become an injury-free state through better community resources, public awareness and health services available to Florida residents.
We hope that there comes a day when Florida truly is an injury-free state, but in the meantime, our personal injury attorneys are here to help your family when accidents occur!
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