Now we’re cooking! Some of the best smells in the world come from barbeques in July. The summer heat, the aroma of fresh cut grass, and the whiff of hamburgers and hotdogs burning (oops, I meant cooking) on the grill are all signs that summer has officially started.
Add the sound and beauty of fireworks and it can only mean one thing: It’s time to celebrate the Fourth of July. Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is not only the day to celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence and our independence from England, but is one of the most popular holidays to spend with our family and friends.
The Fourth of July is a wonderful, festive holiday and many of us grew up with adults setting off home fireworks and enjoying the thrill. Remember, nostalgia is no reason to be unsafe. When Uncle Fred insists on setting off fireworks at this year’s Fourth of July picnic, remind him that you enjoy having all ten of your fingers, thank you very much.
In many states, setting off fireworks at home is illegal. The Official Blog Site of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says that in 2013,
- 200 people on average go to the emergency room every day with fireworks-related injuries in the month around the July 4th holiday.
- 60% of these fireworks injuries in 2012 occurred during the month surrounding July 4th.
- Illegal and homemade fireworks were involved in all 6 fireworks-related deaths reported to CPSC in 2012.
Read the whole report, here.
We encourage you to spend your Independence Day having fun and enjoying your time, with good food, good friends and family, and professionally-done fireworks instead of rushing to the hospital with a burn or some other preventable injury.