Types of Compensation You May Seek in a Personal Injury Claim
If you were hurt in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be considering filing a personal injury claim. A claim can allow you to recover compensation that covers damages, meaning both personal property and to your body.
The compensation you receive can vary and could include:
- Compensatory Damages: Monetary and non-monetary compensation to help you get back on your feet and back to “normal” after an accident.
- Punitive Damages: Compensation you may receive in addition to compensatory damages that are intended to punish the negligent party.
- Monetary Damages: Expenses and losses that can include hospital bills, lost wages, car repairs, and other damages that cost money.
- Non-Monetary Damages: Intangible items such as pain and suffering or emotional distress that results from the injury.
The types of compensation you may be able to recover depends on the specifics of your case and should be discussed with your attorney in greater detail.